Tenants' Annual Report 2022

South Tyneside Homes South Tyneside Council


Welcome to the Tenants Annual Report 2022

Each year we publish our Tenants Annual Report to ensure our customers are kept up to date on how we’re doing as an organisation. This latest report covers April 2021 - March 2022.

South Tyneside Homes aims to improve its approach to tenant involvement every year and this year was finalist in the Best Digital Resident Involvement Initiative category at the Housing Digital Innovation Awards, and was successful in winning the Best Fire Safety Innovation Award 2022.

Involved customers have played a big part in the production of this report, by examining performance and assessing how South Tyneside Homes is performing, and by highlighting information that is interesting or useful for customers to know. We hope you find it informative and easy to read.

To request your print copy, e-mail involvement@southtynesidehomes.org.uk

Get involved

Help shape and improve our services

As well as helping us to produce reports like this one, or by working to improve homes and neighbourhoods, there are lots of ways that customers get involved with the work that South Tyneside Homes does. This report highlights some of the projects that customers have been involved with over the past year.

If you are interested in getting involved, contact the Involvement Team:

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Why we produce an Annual Report

Why we produce an Annual Report

The Regulator of Social Housing is the regulatory body responsible for social housing in England and sets out what is expected of registered housing providers, and this includes the production of an Annual Report. The standards which have been set are outlined in the Regulatory Framework for Social Housing, and through this report we demonstrate how we are compliant with these standards.

The Charter for Social Housing Residents sets out the Government’s proposals to strengthen the regulation of social housing including placing greater emphasis on the importance of listening to the views of our customers.

South Tyneside Homes continues to work in partnership with South Tyneside Council to ensure that regulatory requirements are met in a transparent and accountable way as well demonstrating how we work with customers to understand how services can be shaped and improved.

It is really important that we continue to meet the standards set by the regulator as this indicates how well we are doing as an organisation, and more importantly, how well the organisation is delivering services to all of our customers. This Annual Report shows how South Tyneside Council and South Tyneside Homes work with customers to ensure that these standards are achieved.

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The view of the organisation

The view of the organisation

The past two years have brought about significant challenges to us all, but we now turn our thoughts to the future, and working in partnership with South Tyneside Council to meet the challenges we face as we come out of the Covid pandemic.

The introduction of new legislation and regulation, brought about by the introduction of the Building Safety and Fire Safety Acts along with the Social Housing White Paper – the Charter for Social Housing Residents - keeps our focus on ensuring that we provide safe and secure homes for our customers and future generations, ensuring we provide opportunity for families to lead safe, healthy and happy lives.

We want to continue to provide much needed new homes in the borough, ensuring that provision meets demand, is of good quality, is in the right place and is well designed. We will also continue our investment programme and seek additional funding where possible, to help improve the energy ratings in the current housing stock with the aim of providing decent homes, tackling fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions.

We recognise that the current cost of living crisis will place significant pressures on our customers and we are prioritising tenancy sustainment and support to help people who find they are struggling. Our staff have worked tirelessly over the last few years to provide welfare and debt advice and support people in crisis to sustain their tenancies.

Finally, we want to continue to empower customers by placing them at the heart of everything we do, ensuring we offer a wide range of opportunities for you to give your views, ensuring your voice is heard, helping us to tailor and improve the services we offer in the future and influence our decision making through robust governance. We thank our involved customers for all the hard work that has gone into the production of this document, and for their ongoing support for the work of the organisation.

  • Councillor Richard Porthouse Chair of South Tyneside Homes’ Board
  • Councillor Jim Foreman Lead Member for Housing and Community Safety
  • Paul Mains Managing Director of South Tyneside Homes
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Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard

This standard focuses on providing opportunities for tenant involvement and empowerment; supporting customers to scrutinise and improve services; having a clear focus on good customer service, choice and complaints; and having a clear understanding and response to the diverse needs of customers.

Customer Involvement

Customer Involvement

This year there was a significant increase in the number of customers engaged with South Tyneside Homes. Engagement took place in different ways as we demonstrate here and has a significant positive impact by helping to develop and shape services and identify where improvements need to be made.

Involved customers spent 500 volunteer hours on a range of projects including the production of the Tenants Annual Report. As well as working hard, they enjoy social interaction with other like-minded customers, the opportunity to gain new skills and experience, as well as benefitting from the training on offer.

Through digital and paper surveys we surveyed 388 customers during 2021-22, an increase of 150% from 2020-21. The surveys explored the following service areas:

Customer surveys
Topics Responses
Our online services 124
Low carbon information 71
Our priorities - help us help you 193
Total 388

Surveys took place online and face to face at public locations across the Borough. The range of feedback from customers has informed South Tyneside Homes’ strategic priorities; has resulted in improvements to online services including improved website speeds, improved access to Live Chat, online complaints and rent payments services and has also informed a series of improvements being made to low carbon website information.

Tenant Talk

This year we launched our new Tenant Talk Facebook group. This is a unique way for customers to get involved with our services in a ‘little-and-often’ way. So far, over 160 customers have joined the group. Members share their opinion and help shape our services by answering polls, providing feedback on campaigns, and more. TenantTalk removes barriers that ‘traditional’ approaches to engagement can present, and allows customers to get involved instantly.

South Tyneside Homes Tenant Talk

Customer experience projects

South Tyneside Homes also asked customers to join in ‘in-depth’ conversations with them about their experiences of accessing its services. This explores a timeline through a service request or process from the customer’s perspective to identify what they feel can be improved. This year South Tyneside Homes engaged with 20 customers, and it plans to extend this further next year. This approach is called Customer Journey Mapping.

Scrutiny Panel members meet with a customer to understand her experience.

Customers holding us to account

Service reviews by customer panels continue to provide feedback and insight into where improvements to services are required.

Two customer panels undertook 5 projects that resulted in 61 improvement actions being delivered during the year.

The Scrutiny Panel have recommended action to improve information on the South Tyneside Homes website; for activity to educate and inform customers in relation to new technologies and action to help customers in relation to the rising costs of heating their homes.

The Check and Challenge customer group have reviewed Housing Options letters to ensure they were clear, concise, and easy to understand, as well as making recommendations in relation to the development of Neighbourhood Management; Repairs and Maintenance; Anti-Social Behaviour and Customer Complaints policies.

Engaging our communities and neighbourhoods

Capacity to engage communities and neighbourhoods across the Borough, and in relation to building safety in high rise buildings, has been increased. This will further extend opportunities to hear customer feedback, with a particular focus on building safety issues.

Plans for the year ahead

South Tyneside Homes aims to further increase the number of customers on its involved groups so that they are more reflective of its customer base and provide a broader range of views and feedback. Tenant Talk will be extended, and other ways for customers to engage with South Tyneside Homes, in ways that suits their differing needs and expectations, will be explored. Current plans are to capture customers experience of using the website, homelessness, tenancy sustainment, the health and housing services, the decant process and many other service areas.

Get involved

South Tyneside Homes is always looking for customers of all ages and from all walks of life to get involved.

19 years ago I became an involved customer, and after all that time I’m still here! Being an involved customer educates and entertains you. You get a nice cup of tea and know you’re helping other customers.

Audrey, Check and Challenge member

If you are interested in getting involved, or would like to find out more - contact the engagement team:

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Customer Services

Customer Services

  • 193,586 calls were received by the Customer Services Centre
  • 7,325 Live Chats

The Customer Services Centre handled a higher number of customer calls during the year, compared to the previous year, and whilst the average call wait time for customers was 130 seconds, 74.65% of calls were resolved at first point of contact.

South Tyneside Homes is aiming to improve the customer experience of calling the Customer Service Centre, and continues to make improvements:

The LiveChat system is now linked with Facebook messenger meaning that customers receive a consistent service across LiveChat and Facebook, improving the service they receive.

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Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

South Tyneside Homes actively uses feedback from customers to learn and shape service improvements and understand what causes customers to complain in the first instance. A Customer Feedback System is used to record all complaints and compliments, and actions taken to put things right and to identify service improvements to stop the same issue from happening again. As a result, improvements have been made to internal and external communication and improving customer service skills.

A new complaints process has been introduced to offer a more streamlined approach for customers, and there will be further improvements to this process in the coming year.

During the year, South Tyneside Homes received 1,010 complaints which represents almost a 30% increase compared to last year. There were 78 complaints where customers asked for complaints to be taken further for a second opinion.

713 compliments were received which represents a 60% increase compared to last year.

To make a complaint or give feedback:

There are many different ways you can make a complaint or give feedback, including:

Or visit the South Tyneside Homes website for further details.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion

South Tyneside Homes aims for customer-focused services where staff recognise diversity and tailor services to suit individual needs. An independent audit of its approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion was undertaken and recommendations are being implemented.

The South Tyneside Homes website is accessible to all customers and can be used via PCs, tablets, and mobile devices. The website offers users the facility to choose text fonts and sizes and information can be translated into different languages and has a read aloud facility.

South Tyneside Homes is aiming to increase the diversity of its Board to be more representative of the community of the Borough and recruitment for new members is planned for the 2022.

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Tenancy Standard

This standard focuses on the way homes are allocated and how customers are supported to maintain their tenancy.

This section covers:

Moving Home

Moving Home

Our teams are working more closely together to re-let our homes, completing any repairs more quickly, and improving re-let times as we know moving home can be an anxious time for customers.

There has been a reduction in empty homes during the year, from 195 in April 2021 to 116 in March 2022.

I’m greatly impressed with the standard of work that was carried out – It was worth the wait! Allocations staff have been really helpful and friendly – 5 stars!

A satisfied customer

The team have introduced several new processes during the year, including a new diary system to deal with customers who have been served notices by private landlords which allows officers more time to complete homeless applications. A new “Stay Close” programme has been implemented, in collaboration with the “Children’s Leaving Care team”, to support young people helping them gain the skills necessary to maintain a tenancy and their own wellbeing. Two young people leaving care have been successfully supported this year, and this will be extended to 10 young people in 2022-23.

South Tyneside Homes offer a Veterans Outreach Support desk which is a drop-in service for veterans, based at the Town Hall. This service provides South Tyneside veterans and family members with a wide range of support, including financial support and help with Soldier, Sailor, Airmen Family Association (SSAFA) applications.

I would just like to say how pleased I am with the help and service provided by South Tyneside Homes.

I’ve recently been put in a position of involuntary homelessness and my main point of contact was Lee Moore.

I’ve been thoroughly impressed with the speed and efficiency with which I’ve been assessed, banded and ready to bid. I realise this is only the beginning of the process but so far I cannot fault the service provided…thank you very much.

Mr Ewing

South Tyneside Homes also offer a resettlement programme for Veterans which often has utilised “hard to let” properties.

In March 2021, a veteran, with mobility issues applied to be re-housed with South Tyneside Homes. He was struggling living in multiple occupation property in a basement room. Sadly, he needed other tenants to help him up to the bathroom facilities on the ground floor. Through the veteran resettlement programme he has been successfully re-housed in a ground floor property, re-gained his independence and is now integrating himself into the community. The veteran is now able to walk to the shops, with a walking aid and seat provided by South Tyneside Homes and is in a much happier place as he does not have to rely on other people.

In March 2021, I applied to be re-housed with South Tyneside Homes. I am a veteran, with mobility issues and I was living in a multiple occupation property in a basement room. I needed other residents to help me to the bathroom which was on the floor above. I have been fortunate to be re-housed via the “Veteran resettlement programme” in a ground floor property and I feel I have re-gained my independence and in a much happier place as I don’t have to rely on other people. I now feel part of a new community and have been able to walk to the shops with a walking aid and seat provided to me by South Tyneside Homes.

Peter Bill

A dedicated officer from Housing Options attends a refugee drop-in service on a weekly basis held at Living Waters Church to answer any housing issues or barriers people are facing to ensure they are supported during their housing journey.

The partnership working with South Tyneside Homes has massively improved since we have a regular visit from Simon, a Housing Options Officer. Simon is very approachable and is prepared to speak to all our clients. We now have a positive working relationship.

Margaret Greg, Living Waters Church

Housing Options have worked closely with the Empty Homes team and the Allocations team to improve the service and turnaround time of their homeless units, and to introduce an improved streamlined sign up for homeless customers.

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Supporting You In Your Home

Supporting You In Your Home

The Pre-Tenancy Support team have supported 92 new tenancies started during the year.

The team has seen a reduction in waiting times for applicants due to the intervention of Pre-Tenancy Support completing medical triage assessments.

505 health assessments have been conducted relating to suitability of accommodation within 2021/22

Adapting Homes

Working with South Tyneside Council we have delivered adaptations to help customers remain independent in their homes.

I am over the moon with the new wet room installed by staff from South Tyneside Homes. It has transformed our lives. From start to finish the staff were professional and friendly and the job was done very quickly.

Mr Ridley, South Shields

Customers requiring help with changes or adaptations to their home to remain independent at homes should contact the Council's Let's Talk team on: 0191 424 6000 or email: letstalk@southtyneside.gov.uk

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Paying Your Rent

Paying Your Rent

The Income team has introduced improvements during the year to resolve rent arrears cases at the earliest opportunity to help customers maximise their income and sustain their tenancies.

Referrals are made to the Welfare Support Team for customers to access benefits and debt advice. The team also makes water rates reduction applications to Northumbrian Water. This scheme is available to customers where household income is £16,385 or less and is promoted via the Income team and Customer Service centre. The team have secured £135,658 income for customers from Northumbrian Water reduction applications in 2021-22.

The Income Team has successfully reduced arrears to £1.86M during 2021-22 despite difficult financial times. A prevention and early intervention approach has been adopted by the team which has had a positive impact on rent arrears. This approach provides support to new tenants and new Universal Credit customers and working with Housing and Area Management teams when customers do not engage.

The team are always looking to develop new ways to maximise collecting former tenant arrears and have introduced a tenancy termination checklist, which discusses payment arrangement at termination as well as verifying contact details and forwarding addresses.

The Income team are looking to expand the way they promote the support options available from South Tyneside Homes to help customers who are experiencing financial difficulties due to the increased cost of living.

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Welfare Support

Welfare Support

The Welfare Support team have returned to pre-pandemic operations this year, providing quality benefits and debt advice, with more appointments available.

Welfare support appointments
Year Face to face appointments Telephone appointments Total
2019/2020 3002 771 3773
2020/2021 527 1488 2015
2021/2022 1709 1455 3164

The team provide customers with welfare and benefits advice and achieved £5.03M in additional financial gains from unclaimed benefits during the year and have also helped customers to clear or manage £672,000 of debt, assisting 3,151 customers overall.

Achieved over £5m in additional gains

The team has increased the number of Social Navigators to three members of staff, supporting clients to manage day to day life and their finances without having to access local crisis services. Over 80 customers have been supported during the year with over £40,000 secured in financial gains.

As a result of supporting a client and her young child to obtain a grant for furniture to help set up their home:

Thank you very much for all your support. I do appreciate it.

Plans for the year ahead:

  • To ensure Social Navigator roles become a permanent fixture of the team.
  • The team plan to promote welfare services to more customers and demonstrate how they can support customers through social media and more outreach sessions across the borough.
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Tenancy Sustainment

Tenancy sustainment

Over the last year, a new approach to tenancy sustainment has been developed.

Called “Condition Matters” the approach enables staff to identify and deal with property conditions that are unacceptable whilst maximising support for vulnerable customers.

The approach balances a tenant’s rights and the duty of South Tyneside Homes to enforce tenancy conditions. These conditions can occur due to malicious damage or excessive clutter which could lead to hoarding.

Over the year the team have also carried out 1144 tenancy support visits.

Supporting people to sustain tenancies - customer story

Tenancy sustainment works to support customers whatever their needs and circumstances to maintain their tenancies.

While organising a tenancy support visit for a new tenant, a Neighbourhood Officer had some initial concerns about the new tenant.

On visiting the property, the new tenant was outside and seemed reluctant for the officer to come inside. After some discussion, the tenant agreed to the officer entering the property. Once inside, the officer realised the tenant had no carpets and very few personal belongings or white goods. The tenant had no family or friends to support the move and not much money as they had recently moved into the area. To help the tenant make a new start and hopefully a success of their new home, the officer made relevant referrals for welfare support and in addition to this, the officer also contacted voluntary and charitable organisations to see if there was any other further support available. As a result of contact with different organisation, within days the property was carpeted and beds, mattresses, a cooker, and fridge freezer were delivered. Additional furniture including wardrobes and bedside cabinets and a TV was also delivered several days later, all free of charge. The officer will continue to support this tenant as long as required to help them sustain their tenancy.

Home Standard

This standard focuses on the provision of quality homes that meet the Decent Homes Standard, a cost-effective repairs and maintenance service, the health and safety of customers, and the provision of an adaptations service that meets customer needs.

This section covers:

Investing in New Homes

Investing in new homes

South Tyneside Homes has completed the development of its first affordable housing scheme in 10 years (delivering 6 new build properties at Henderson Road on behalf of South Tyneside Council).

Kate Thompson, who recently moved into one of the houses with her daughter said:

We absolutely love it, there are boxes everywhere still but its already feeling like home. It’s great to have a garden.

Partnership working with Homes England (a government housing agency) helps to provide additional affordable housing within the Borough, supporting the high demand for specific property types.

Properties were built by in-house Property Services Teams, and apprentices were involved in the construction processes.

Investing in our low carbon future

South Tyneside Homes now has dedicated resources concentrating on carbon reduction measures for work across its housing stock.

It is also investigating ways to support customers through raising energy awareness and targeting support to vulnerable customers.

Next year through Government decarbonisation funding we will be improving 100 homes, installing cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, triple glazed windows and solar panels.

Investing in our customers' home

South Tyneside Homes continues to deliver planned investment to our customers’ homes, ensuring they are well maintained, meet the Decent Homes standard and make our customers safe in their homes. During 2021/22 we invested £16,395,688 through our housing capital programme as shown in the information below.

Investment Amount (£)
External upgrades (includes roof renewals, pointing, doors & window replacements) 5,076,612
Internal upgrades (includes kitchens, bathrooms, rewires, electrical upgrades, heating renewals, boiler renewals and heating upgrades) 4,242,074
Structural works (includes floor heave, wall stabilisation, canopy failure) 2,114,749
Empty Homes improvements (includes new kitchens and bathrooms, rewiring and upgrades to heating systems) 1,387,179
Communal upgrades (for internal communal areas) 1,277,322
Disabled adaptations (including extensions and pathways) 1,210,316
Health & Safety schemes (includes installation and maintenance of fire safety systems) 972,359
Garage refurbishment 115,077
TOTAL 16,395,688
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What the Investment has Delivered

What the Investment has Delivered
Measures installed
Kitchens 364
Bathrooms 253
Rewires 149
Finlock gutters 189
Windows 651
Doors 405
Pointing 219
Roofs 60
Fire doors 348
New heating system 80
Boiler upgrades 276
Adaptations 265

I just love my new windows and I’ve been told by passers-by that they look lovely and they did a good job. Not only am I happy, so are other people too!

Rita Howell
Adaptations installed 2021/22
Type of adaptation Number delivered
Wet room and shower facilities 77
Ramp installation 42
Stairlift installation 71
Access/ Handrails 48
Minor adaptation 21
Specialist WC facilities 5
Through Floor Lift 1
Total 265
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Keeping You Safe

Keeping You Safe

Building safety


South Tyneside Homes has implemented a new system called Twinnedit in its four high-rise buildings. The Twinnedit process creates a 'digital twin' of buildings and stores information such as construction details and materials all in one place. High rise residents can access the system to view virtual information about their building which is helping to keep them safe.

South Tyneside Homes was recognised at the Housing Digital Innovation Awards 2022 by winning the Best Fire Safety Innovation Award with partners Twinnedit.

Customer friendly fire risk assessments have been developed in consultation with residents in high rise locations, removing the jargon.

The safety of residents has been enhanced by implementation of a new electronic recording system for fire safety that enables the reporting of compliance activities in a transparent manner, allowing South Tyneside Homes to track activities and prevent any from falling out of compliance.

Partnership working with Tyne and Wear Fire Rescue Service has delivered fire safety information and the sharing of key safety information.


Improvements in the gas servicing programme has reduced the number of follow-on jobs raised by 29% which has increased the number of services completed first time.

Where customers have insufficient funds for appliance tests to be completed, we provide assistance and help. We have commenced discussions with the “Green Doctor” a service managed by Groundwork, which can provide help to customers.

17,969 gas services and safety inspections were completed, and safe working practices introduced during the pandemic were continued to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable customers.

The Gas team achieved their target of 100% compliance to ensure all properties have a valid gas safety certificate for the year 2021 – 2022.

Electronic gas safety certificates to customers will be delivered in the coming year.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms will be fitted in all properties where gas and solid fuel appliances are installed as part of the gas servicing programme.


The electrical testing programme delivered its targets of 3,500 per year over a 5-year cycle, ensuring the safety of South Tyneside Homes residents.


1,022 properties received a domestic water risk assessment along with advice on how to maintain water safety in the home. The programme is a programme risk-assesses residents water systems and provides essential information on how to manage systems to keep them safe from legionella.

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Repairs and Maintenance

Repairs and Maintenance

Adverse weather incidents during the year, in particular storm Arwen, placed increased demands on services causing some delays for customers. Teams worked exceptionally hard to continue to deliver services and 99.66% of all emergency repair appointments were delivered within timescale. Customer feedback from repairs carried out indicated satisfaction had increased to 96.75% in March 2022 from 94.33 in March 2020.

Tenants can report a repair in a variety of ways including via the Customer Services Centre on 0300 123 6633, by SMS, type talk, email, in writing or in person at South Shields Town Hall. Emergency repairs can be reported 24/7 via the Customer Services Centre.

Completion of repairs at first visit has increased from 85.34% in March 2020 to 89.14% in March 2022.

Repairs requiring follow on work has reduced from 5.53% in March 2020 to 4.29% in March 2022.

Next year services will be developed allowing for booking “follow-on” repairs on site with the customer.

Automated call reminders will be implemented for all repair reminder messages sent to customers.

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Neighbourhood and Community Standard

This standard focuses on the cleanliness and safety of neighbourhoods and communal areas; the promotion of social, environmental, and economic wellbeing; and the prevention and tackling of anti-social behaviour (ASB).

Keeping Your Community Clean

Keeping Your Community Clean

The Handy Estates team have delivered a first-class service across the Borough helped by staff recruitment and adopting a ‘home start’ approach which has increased the amount time Handy Estates staff are available to deliver services.

During 2021-22 both the Handy Estates team and Housing Area Management teams have implemented “Operational Tasking” - a joint working and information sharing approach which has delivered smarter outcomes and improved targeting of resources.

A great example of a partnership approach was Handy Estates and Housing Area Management working with the Council’s Environmental Team and residents to focus on the Long Streets to tackle persistent fly tipping and bins being left out. The approach has proved very effective in the lane between Marshall Wallace Road and Alice Street.

The Handy Estates team have embarked on a coordinated approach to resident/community litter pick groups. They record and monitor groups or individuals operating in neighbourhoods to develop relationships and establish communication and support. The team have also teamed up with Amazon Logistics on GB Spring Clean events.

We had an amazing afternoon working with South Tyneside Homes in our local area litter picking. Looking forward to working with them in the future!

Kelly McLoughlin

Housing Area Management have developed plans to help residents meets their Neighbourhood Officers and encourage resident participation with “area inspections” and planned “ward walkabouts” with local Councillors.

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Keeping Your Community Safe

Keeping Your Community Safe

The Anti-Social Behaviour Team has increased staff numbers during 2021-22 so that it can investigate cases in more detail and work closely with other partners such as the police, fire, and health services, and to identify specific areas that require targeted intervention. With more resource, the team can take a proactive approach with specific work in estates where officers can make sustained improvements for the community by tacking environmental issues, responding to anti-social behaviour, and generating better engagement in the community.

The team have implemented a new static noise monitor which can be installed for short periods of time to capture more detailed noise recordings and data. Officers, often find anti-social behaviour can be linked to other issues, while investigating noise issues, they found a customer’s flat was being exploited and was being used by multiple people.

A Triage system has been introduced on new noise complaints and one-off reports. Cases are assessed either as Urgent, whereby contact will be made within 1 working day or Standard, where contact will be within 3 working days.

The team have seen an improved performance during 2021-22 with a reduction in open cases not yet resolved, a decrease in average cases per officer and live cases at month end have reduced.

Number of open cases
Month 2020/21 2021/22
April 401 433
May 437 515
Jun 437 532
Jul 440 435
Aug 434 459
Sep 413 463
Oct 404 412
Nov 407 391
Dec 423 334
Jan 394 339
Feb 417 326
Mar 432 327

Average cases per officer numbers have dropped to below the maximum target of 30 for the first time in February.

Average cases per officer
Month 2020/21 2021/22
April 43.12 49.20
May 46.99 58.52
June 46.99 59.11
July 53.01 48.33
August 52.29 51.00
September 42.14 42.09
October 35.75 37.45
November 36.02 35.55
December 37.43 30.36
January 34.87 30.82
February 44.84 29.64
March 52.05 29.73

The Anti-Social Behaviour team have also introduced regular full case reviews with all officers. The team are also working more closely with the legal team to ensure the most appropriate legal tools and powers are used for tenancy enforcement and anti-social behaviour.

The team have seen cases re-referred within a 6-month period consistently reduced and staying below target since August 2021, demonstrating cases are being successfully resolved and anti-social behaviour is not re-occurring.

Percentage of closed cases re-referred within 6 months
Month 2020/21 2021/22
Apr 8.16 16.13
May 4.14 13.01
Jun 4.53 10.05
Jul 6.83 7.05
Aug 6.22 6.25
Sep 6.27 5.77
Oct 5.71 5.74
Nov 5.49 5.27
Dec 5.54 4.96
Jan 5.99 4.86
Feb 6.8 4.95
Mar 6.91 5.16
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Keeping Customers Safe

Keeping Customers Safe

To ensure safety of customers’ homes in high-rise and Housing Plus schemes, Housing Area Management teams carry out checks to maintain tenants’ safety in communal areas ensuring they are free from personal items and hazards and have achieved 100% compliance. The team have continued to develop ways in which customers can help to identify any issues which may impact on the safety of residents in the buildings. The team also carry out approximately 950 building compliance checks per month including fire alarm tests, laundry equipment checks and fire door checks.

In addition, annual Home Safety Checks are also undertaken to enable the identification of potential fire-related hazards at home and any additional customer support needs. The team have achieved 100% completion of Home Safety Check visits to all eligible properties carrying out 982 checks.

Housing Area Management have developed a Community Safety Tasking Group, during the year, which focuses on crime and anti-social behaviour linked to individuals, premises, or areas. In May 2021, the team supported Northumbria Police by delivering over 2000 leaflets to homes in Jarrow and Hebburn to encourage residents to report any concerns linked to off-road motorbike nuisance. Conversations with residents included the importance of reporting issues and actions that could be taken. Residents were also prompted to report descriptions of bikes and users to build up intelligence on specific locations and times of day.

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Promoting Social, Environmental and Economic Wellbeing

Promoting Social, Environmental and Economic Wellbeing

Housing Plus schemes at Blenkinsop & Thomas Bell House now provide Extra Care provision and hospital discharge facilities with the wraparound care facilities that help keep customers out of hospital or a care home setting.

This new initiative has been achieved by collaborative working with Adult Social Care, and other providers such as Helping Hands & the local police engagement teams, and was shortlisted for two staff award categories for Innovation and Living Better Lives.

Housing Plus tenants have the option to receive a daily wellbeing call every day of the year, offered via either an automated service or a traditional phone call, on a frequency to suit customer’s needs. Currently about 670 tenancies engage with these calls and additionally a Telecare and a Community alarm service is also available 24 hours a day.

The new automated service was rolled out after several trails over different Housing Plus schemes. Information depicted in graph demonstrates 80% of the customers who took part in the trail at Lakeside Hall preferred the automated call.

Lakeside Hall – response to automated calls
Response Percentage
Agreed 80
Refused 3
Away 3
Void 2
Deceased 2
Unsuitable 10

Across our Housing Plus schemes there are many opportunities to promote social wellbeing, Thomas Bell residents enjoyed a film afternoon, which has included watching “La La Land” and of course the afternoon included popcorn!

In addition to the extra support provided in Housing Plus schemes, there are other support programmes available such as a “Garden Tidy” scheme available to tenants who meet the criteria as well as a Handy Person service for small jobs.

South Tyneside Homes help to build tenants economic wellbeing through partnership working with Northern Rights and their “Under one Roof Scheme’’. During the year, the Income and Welfare teams referred 205 customers, with 33 customers successfully gaining employment, and Northern Rights are continuing to support 61 customers.

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Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise

South Tyneside Homes has continued to develop its Social Enterprise service. This service was created to provide long-term unemployed and ex-service personnel the opportunity to gain valuable work experience to help lead to future employment inside or outside of the organisation.

During 2021/22, the organisation welcomed a third round of trainee intakes. The trainees on the programme assist our trade teams: Handy Estates, Empty Homes, and the Social Enterprise team to carry out painting, grounds maintenance, general tidy ups, fencing, furniture removal. The trainees get the chance to shadow specific trades as well. Social Enterprise has now expanded to include all the Apprentices.

I'm earning while learning, building a career and working alongside a great team.

Jack, South Tyneside Homes apprentice

During the year, the team have supported 6 Kick Start Trainees started during October 2021 – March 2022, and 2 Multi Skilled Trainees started in June 2021.

There are 32 Apprentices working across South Tyneside Homes, and because of partnership working with Sunderland College and a national training provider, the trainees can take part in work experience opportunities.

A year two joinery apprentice was nominated for Rising Star Award in the Regional Apprenticeship Awards.

Over the next year, the North Marine Park Apprentices are scheduled to start a two-year placement programme.

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This section gives a summary of key performance across the organisation.

Performance At A Glance

Customer Satisfaction
Service Area 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Gas Servicing 94.17% 98.98% 97.77%
Making a Complaint 89.87% 89.87% 81.32%
Responsive Repairs 94.33% 96.50% 96.75%
Welfare Support
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Additional income secured for customers £5.36M £3.69M £5.03M
Number of people assisted 3,829 2,173 3,151
Anti-Social Behaviour
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Number of ASB complaints 989 1,041 678
% of complaints responded to within timescale 98.96% 97.62% 95.97%
Customer Services
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Percentage of calls resolved at 1st point of contact 79.1% 79.18% 74.65%
Number of compliments received 653 442 713
Number of complaints received 684 688 1010
Housing Solutions
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Average number of empty homes 173 268 191
Percentage of empty homes as proportion of housing stock 1.05% 1.97% 1.18%
Average re-let time (days) 36.58 84 41.81
Percentage of rent lost through re-let process 1.07% 1.97% 1.80%
Rent Collection
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Proportion of rent collected (excluding arrears) 100.62% 102.13% 100.11%
Percentage of rent arrears 3.23% 2.55% 2.62%
Percentage of former tenant arrears 2.49% 2.80% 2.83%
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Number of routine repairs 36,567 23,324 26,635
% of routine repairs delivered within 20 days 99.95% 99.92% 99.91%
Number of emergency repairs 15,648 14,884 14,582
% of emergency repairs delivered within 4 hours 99.39% 99.94% 99.66%
Number of urgent repairs 16,181 13,070 14,095
% of urgent repairs delivered within timescale 99.94% 99.98% 99.79%

To see how the company performed against the service standards, visit the performance page of the website.

Making Money Matter

Focus on Expenditure

South Tyneside Homes manages around 16,000 homes on behalf of South Tyneside Council. In 2021/22 income was £65.1 million. Below is an overview of how rent was spent during the year.

Spending 2021/2022
Spending Total Percentage
Capital charges £29.6m 45.5%
Repairs and maintenance £15.3m 23.5%
Housing management £9.1m 14%
Central services £6.5m 10%
Rents, rates and taxes £1.3m 2%
Estate management £1.6m 2.4%
Income management £0.9m 1.4%
Anti-social behaviour £0.4m 0.6%
Tenant involvement £0.1m 0.1%
Other £0.3m 0.5%
Total £65.1m 100%

Focus On Income

Most of the income comes from rent but tenants and leaseholders are also charged for services and facilities that South Tyneside Homes provides. The contributions come from various sources such as the fee for collecting water rates from tenants:

Income 2020/2021
Income Amount Percentage
Property Rents £61.5m 94.5%
Charges for services and facilities £1.2m 1.8%
Contributions towards costs £1.1m 1.7%
Garage and shop rents £1.3m 2%
Total £65.1m 100%

Did you know, for every £1 of rent you pay...

  • 45p is paid out for capital charges (this is the interest paid on borrowing the money to provide the properties)
  • 24p is spent on repairing properties
  • 18p is spent on managing tenancies
  • 10p is spent on central services such as the warden call service
  • 1p is the cost of specialist housing services
  • 2p is spent on miscellaneous costs including rent, rates and taxes